This week's interview on Financial Insider Weekly is with Geraldine Barry, President of the San Jose Real Estate Investor's Association. Our interview subject is "How I got started investing in real estate."
How can you promote community giving as a family value?
This week's interview on Financial Insider Weekly is with Emmett D. Carson, Ph.D., CEO & President of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Our interview subject is "How to promote community giving as a family value."
What are legal steps required to care for incapacitated family members and friends?
This week's interview on Financial Insider Weekly is with attorney Bettie Baker Marshall. Our interview subject is "Legal considerations of caring for incapacitated persons."
How does your title for your assets affect your income taxes?
This week's interview on Financial Insider Weekly is with attorney William Mahan, of counsel Gates, Eisenhart, Dawson. Our interview subject is "Tax considerations of title".