On this week's episode of Financial Insider Weekly to be broadcast on Comcast Ch 15 in San Jose and Campbell at 4:30 pm PT this Wednesday, June 2, attorney John Hopkins of Hopkins and Carley and I discuss succession planning issues for a family business.
California stops accepting applications for first-time homebuyer credits but new homes credit still available
California has adopted tax credits for new home purchases and first-time homebuyers. The credits are available for qualified taxpayers who purchase a qualified residence on or after May 1, 2010 and before January 1, 2011. Since there are ceilings on the total credits available for all taxpayers, it will be wise to apply for them early.
Why savings accounts and bonds aren’t enough for retirement
Long term, we can't afford NOT to invest in the stock market.
Choosing a medical insurance policy
On this week’s interview on Financial Insider Weekly to be broadcast in San Jose and Campbell this Wednesday, May 26, I discuss choosing a medical insurance policy with Don Pollard, CLU, ChFC of Advanced Professionals.
New information reporting nightmare for American businesses
Effective in 2012, the information reporting requirements have been expanded to cumulative payments by businesses exceeding $600 per year to corporations and PAYMENTS FOR PROPERTY.
Tax help for rental property debt cancellation
According to Revenue Ruling 92-92 and page 3 of IRS Publication 4681, cancellation of debt attributable to passive activity expenditures, such as purchase of the rental property, is passive activity income. For a rental property, the debt cancellation income should be included on line 3 of Schedule E as "rental income" for the property.
What Federal Health Care Reform means for employers
On this week’s interview on Financial Insider Weekly to be broadcast in San Jose and Campbell this Wednesday, May 19 we discuss provisions of the federal Health Care Reform Acts as they relate to U.S. employers
What health care reform means for individuals
This week’s interview on Financial Insider Weekly to be broadcast in San Jose and Campbell this Wednesday, May 12, is with Don Pollard, CLU, ChFC about provisions of the federal Health Care Reform Acts as they relate to U.S. resident individuals.
Avoiding California real estate property tax reassessment
On this week’s Financial Insider Weekly interview to be broadcast in San Jose and Campbell May 5 we discuss California real estate change of ownership rules as they relate to estate planning and business tax planning.